The Elephant Graveyard
The Elephant Graveyard Radio Hour
An American Quakening with Dan Carlin

An American Quakening with Dan Carlin

The Elephant Graveyard Radio Hour: Exploring the exploits of William Penn and the untold history of pre-revolution America

Disclaimer: This podcast is a work of parody, the voices used are impressions and not the actual people.

Join legendary historical storyteller and podcasting icon Dan Carlin as he guest hosts this episode of the Elephant Graveyard Radio Hour podcast live from a hot air balloon.

We offered to let Dan host, and he agreed under the stipulations that we allow him to pick any topic he wants. He also wanted to host the show live from a hot air balloon that we would provide. Of course we agreed.

Join Dan as he soars down the Delaware River, sharing with you the untold history of Chester, Pennsylvania, and the surprisingly vile and tragic life of American founder William Penn

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The Elephant Graveyard
The Elephant Graveyard Radio Hour
The Elephant Graveyard Radio Hour features a revolving cast of guest hosts, exploring life, humanity and the nature of reality, plus taking your phone calls and comments, with some great tunes along the way.